Did you know that you can add your address to the "Do Not Solicit List" with West Windsor Township? It's easy! Just fill out this short online form and you will be contacted to confirm if you'd like a sticker to be mailed to your address. Or come to the Clerk's Office at the Municipal Building (271 Clarksville Rd) to get added to the list and pick up a sticker while you are there.
Many HOA's are already registered for all residents in their community. Check with your HOA or with the Clerk's office to determine if your HOA has already registered. The Clerk's Office can be reached at 609-799-2400.
It's important to note that in this context solicitation is defined as the activity where a person goes from house to house to take orders for the sale of goods or services. It pertains to any business solicitation or peddling (not-for-profit or commercial). It does not apply to educational, political or religious speech.
All vendors who solicit goods or services must obtain a license from West Windsor Township. The "Do Not Solicit List" is provided to all West Windsor Township licensed solicitors and our Police Department on a regular basis.
Vendors who solicit goods or services without obtaining a license are subject to fines and penalties. Always ask solicitors to show their West Windsor Solicitation License.
Additional details about solicitation can be found on the Township Website at https://www.westwindsornj.org/vendor-solicitor-license